Our Values
Justice for All
Social justice and equality for all, regardless of racial or ethnic identity, sexual orientation, gender identity, class background, national origin, or disability,
is a core belief of our ministry.
Black Lives Matter
Dismantling white supremacy is a critical part of who we are as a congregation. White Supremacy is a system of injustice based on the false idea that white people are more valuable than others and that white lives should take priority in American life.
There are some people who call themselves White Supremacists who are clear about where they stand on this issue, but plenty of people unconsciously support this idea. We see it in the many disparities present in society including employment, housing, education, voting rights and we see it woven through our foster care and criminal justice systems. Community Church of New York is committed to the destruction of this system.
In addition to anti-racism training for ourselves and a call for the same training as a requirement for the entire NY police department, calls for criminal justice reform, our active participation in the New Sanctuary Coalition as a Sanctuary Church, and active support of in person protests calling for justice, there are things members of our church can do to bend the arc toward justice.
Here are some resources to help you know what to do when you feel like there’s nothing left to do:
Global Community
Community Church has always believed firmly in the importance of bringing messages of equity and inclusion everywhere they are needed, as evidenced by our longstanding history of international engagement.
Read more about this legacy on our History page.
UN/Global Affairs Program
UNGA is our program on global values, ideas, concerns and initiatives including the United Nations. We administer an online private platform for CCNY members who are interested in communicating and collaborating on what feels important to them anywhere, anytime. We also maintain a public page for recruiting other allies to engage with our institutional resources.
Reach out to Dana at UNGA@ccny.org to discover or develop
your own ways to contribute.