Parents & Guardians
A Spiritual Home for the Whole Family
Parent Circles
First Tuesdays at 8:00 p.m. on Zoom
Joining the Parent Circles is a great way to build community and have very real and open discussions on everything from interfaith parenting, to self care, spiritual practice, life hacks and hope.
If you'd like to join us, please contact Jil Novenski, Director of Religious Education for Children & Youth at jnovenski@ccny.org
R.E.S.T (Religious Education Support Team)
Parents & guardians of children & youth registered in our Religious Education Programs are invited to be part of the magic!
Lend your talents, passions, resources, connections and ideas to family programming.
R.E.S.T. is a volunteer working collective that supports and helps make real the vision of the Director of Religious Education for Children & Youth.
Your participation matters!
For more information please contact Jil Novenski, Director of Religious Education for Children & Youth at jnovenski@ccny.org