Volunteer Opportunities
Worship Associates
Rev. Peggy is seeking Worship Associates. If you’re interested in playing a more active role on Sunday mornings, please let her know by contacting her at pclarke@ccny.org
Service Greeters
Rev. Jude Geiger is seeking 2 PM Service Greeters. If you’re interested in serving as a greeter on Sunday afternoons beginning in January, please let him know by contacting jgeiger@ccny.org
We are excited to announce that we have partnered with the Church of the Larger Fellowship (CLF) to help further their Worthy Now Pen Pal Ministry! From this point forward, the Community Church of New York will serve as the Worthy Now Pen Pal Hub, facilitating vital communication between incarcerated Unitarian Universalists and their free-world counterparts.
Reach out to Brother Zachary Stevens-Walter at zstevenswalter@ccny.org to find out how members of our community can participate in any aspect of this program!