lgbtqia resource page

1. We are a Welcoming Congregation
Welcoming Congregations is a status given by the Unitarian Universalist Association (UUA) to organizations that display a commitment to open their doors to all sexual orientations and gender expressions. To learn more about this, please visit www.uua.org/lgbtq/welcoming

2. Marriage
Our ministers affirm that love is love and will never deny wedding officiant services to same-sex couples.

3. LGBTQIA+ Sensitive Pastoral Care
Our ministers understand and recognize that our LGBTQIA+ friends and members have highly individualized needs and engage in pastoral care encounters with those needs in mind .

4. Inclusive Language
CCNY supports the use of inclusive language, including the use of appropriate terms regarding:
Correct pronouns - Diverse family units - Considering non-gendered words for the divine - Multiple sexual orientations and gender expressions

5. We Center LGBTQIA+ Issues in Our Sermons and Reflections
LGBTQIA+ issues are important to us. We will continue to address these issues during service.

6. LGBTQIA+ Resource Page
A new church directive has been initiated to develop an LGBTQIA+ resource page on our website. Please check back in for updates.