Broadcasting is an important part of our mission at Community Church. We hope our programs will inform and inspire you, and add brightness and a sense of community to your day or week.

All of our podcasts are also available on our YouTube channel for those who prefer visuals to accompany their audio content. Click the button below to visit our channel and see all past episodes of our podcasts.

Roots to Leaves

Welcome to the third season of Roots to Leaves, a podcast about Unitarian Universalist history, theology and polity. This season, the Community Church of New York is partnering with UU Wellspring to offer an official companion podcast for their Love at the Center curriculum, focused on the core values of Unitarian Universalism: Justice, Equity, Transformation, Pluralism, Interdependence, and Generosity - with LOVE at the center of them all.

Throughout the season, our hosts, Rev. Jude Geiger, Br. Zachary Stevens-Walter and Dr. Yvonne Garrett, will be speaking with UU faith leaders who helped build this new curriculum, exploring each of the values on their own and in tandem. These conversations are intended to serve as thought-provoking and accessible companions to Love at the Center, or a standalone resource for anyone looking to explore the core values of our faith.

In the first episode, our hosts are joined by Linnea Nelson, Executive Director of UU Wellspring. They discuss the implications of transitioning from the language of "principles" to "shared values," the challenges and opportunities of putting "love at the center" into practice, and how the emphasis on love within Unitarian Universalism provides common ground with other faiths and belief systems.

Disrupt Church: the podcast

The models of church we’ve been using aren’t working. Churches are shrinking, people are disconnecting, our membership is aging, and there are serious questions about our relevance in the world. It’s time for us to rethink how we do everything. Stripping us down to our mission, to the WHY rather than the HOW, can we rebuild our churches into vibrant, covenanted communities that can think outside our traditional boxes?

Join Rev. Peggy Clarke, Senior Minister, and Jil Novenski, Director of Religious Education for Children and Youth at the Community Church of New York for informal, unstructured, joyful, and radically honest conversations about what's working, what's not, and how we can embrace change in times of uncertainty.

Hope & Heresy:
Life on the Religious Left

Hope & Heresy: Life on the Religious Left is a podcast hosted by Reverend Peggy Clarke (Community Church of New York) and Reverend Sarah Lenzi (Unitarian Society of Ridgewood, NJ). It is meant for everyday people who want to live meaningfully without letting arbitrary doctrine or oppressive religious practice prevent us from asking big questions about our complicated world.

Rev'ing Up:
Answering the Call of Liberal-Religious Leadership

Rev'ing Up is meant to serve as a container to explore the intersectionalities of life, ministry, and professional clergy formation from the perspective of three Unitarian-Universalist intern ministers.

The podcast is no longer releasing new episodes - to explore the full archive, visit revingup.transistor.fm/episodes!

Do you have an idea for a podcast that would serve the mission of the community church of new york?

We have an in-house broadcast studio and a team that can help you bring that idea to fruition.

Contact us at podcast@ccny.org to start a conversation!