Disrupt Church
What does it mean to "Disrupt Church"?
The models of church we’ve been using aren’t working. Churches are shrinking, people are disconnecting, our membership is aging, and there are serious questions about our relevance in the world. It’s time for us to rethink how we do everything. Stripping us down to our mission, to the WHY rather than the HOW, can we rebuild our churches into vibrant, covenanted communities that can think outside our traditional boxes?
Disrupting Church is all about reimagining. It’s about letting go of what we think we know about what church is and breaking it open to become what it could be. It’s less about “going to church” and more about Living Church, Being Church in the world. It’s Churches Without Borders, it’s Six Ways from Sunday, it’s wild, innovative, church birthing and it’s what’s next.
Our Work:
Our church has a proud history of disrupting the status quo and furthering the fight for a better, more just world. It is something that is present in all of our congregation's programming, advocacy efforts, and Sunday services.
We are proud to continue this tradition, both internally and in our work with partner organizations.
This work cannot be done by one church alone—care to join us?
Watch the Presentation
A recording of the Disrupt Church workshop, presented at the 2023 UU General Assembly by Rev. Peggy Clarke and Jil Novenski, is now available, courtesy of the Unitarian Universalist Association.
listen to the podcast
The models of church we’ve been using aren’t working. Churches are shrinking, people are disconnecting, our membership is aging, and there are serious questions about our relevance in the world. It’s time for us to rethink how we do everything. Stripping us down to our mission, to the WHY rather than the HOW, can we rebuild our churches into vibrant, covenanted communities that can think outside our traditional boxes?
Join Rev. Peggy Clarke, Senior Minister, and Jil Novenski, Director of Religious Education for Children and Youth at the Community Church of New York for informal, unstructured, joyful, and radically honest conversations about what's working, what's not, and how we can embrace change in times of uncertainty.