Community Connections
Community Connections—our community blog for news, announcements, and articles—is open for contributions from congregants!
Want to share a story? Write about a topic you’re passionate about? Share what brought you into our community?
Send article ideas to info@ccny.org!
UU Climate Justice Revival
Our congregation is joining UUs across the land to revive our commitment to climate justice.
Announcing: The Worthy Now Pen Pal Ministry partnership with CLF!
New Partnership Between Community Church of New York & Church of the Larger Fellowship Strengthens Worthy Now Pen Pal Ministry.
The Clarion - Spring 2024
Our Spring edition of The Clarion —The Community Church of New York’s Program Directory— is here!
The Community Church of New York Featured in UU World!
Elaine McArdle, a writer for UU World, wrote an article showcasing our church and our inclusion of the Omega Dance Company in our Sunday services!
The Winter 2023-2024 edition of The Clarion has arrived!