Welcome to the New CCNY.org!

Hands shown typing on a laptop.

After a lot of hard work, and subsequent, tech-related headaches, we are happy to showcase the new and improved Community Church of New York website!

The Communications Team wanted to ensure that this period of transition our community is in would also be a period of growth and innovation. We may not have a new home just yet, nor are we completely “back to normal”, but that shouldn’t stop us from making the most of what we have, and, even more more important, striving for something better.

We hope that this new website serves as the latter for our community.

It is still a work-in-progress (is any website not?) and we want to hear from you in order to make it better. Accessibility is something that we are always striving to provide in any communications we put out—both internally and externally. If there are any features of the site that could use a bit of a tune-up, please do not hesitate to reach out!


The Communications Team


Wellspring Groups Starting Soon!